Introducing Britannic Branded Calls and Messages!

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We have your service availability and security in mind

Whether you rely on the hosting of your data and communications services in the Britannic Cloud, want to share in our infrastructure to deliver business services or need a backup site, we have your service availability and security in mind.

We deliver your dedicated communications infrastructure from our secure private cloud. It comes with advanced SIP trunking capabilities and multiple routes to support Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery. As resilience and adaptability are woven into the fabric of our own business with geo-resilient networks, multiple connections into Tier1 carriers, and Tier3 data centres, these qualities extend into your hosted solution.

The Benefits of Using Britannic

Zero contention on voice, video and internet

99.999% service availability and dynamic scaling

Resilience across multiple locations

Pay only for what you use

Simplify your contracts with a single supplier, robust SLAs and personal service

Britannic Private Cloud

Our innovative hosting cloud to provision your communications infrastructure and securely hold your UC and Contact Centre systems and applications.

  • Rapid infrastructure and technology deployment
  • Utility pricing
  • Self-service portal, CZONE for reporting, service tickets and management visibility
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Hosting and Colocation

Our data centres can act as your primary data centre or as a backup and recovery site.

  • Higher bandwidth
  • Better uptime and redundancy
  • Lower network latency
  • Rack space for servers and business-critical applications
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Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery

We work closely with you to design your resilient network infrastructure  and draw up a contingency plan for your communications and data services.

  • Fully redundant and resilient network design
  • Resilient connections into our SIP exchange, NetX
  • Continuity routing plans
  • Non-geographic numbers
  • High availability though UPS, generators and live mirroring via SAN technology
  • Uninterrupted power supplies
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Infrastructure as a Service

Easily replace and virtualise your applications and servers or simply supplement your existing infrastructure by housing all or part of your infrastructure in our data centres. Hosting, data storage or rackspace, we can deploy, scale and manage your physical devices, virtual infrastructure, network and the data centre.

  • Flexibly scale your network, systems and applications to match evolving user and connectivity requirements
  • Seize OS and device control with colocation but without the management time and cost
  • Controlled operating environment in managed Tier 3 data centres in the UK
  • 99.999% service availability SLA and 24/7 support
  • High redundancy, resilience and security with data centre services delivered from our purpose-built VMware platform
  • Predictable cost with an OPEX model

Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like more information, please use the contact form

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