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How to Improve Clearing Communications and Student Placements

Britannic has and continues to help many Higher Education organisations embark on a digital transformation journey that has dramatically improved their Clearing period and ultimately student placement numbers whether that’s through modernising your existing telephony solutions, improving student engagement, automating processes, or creating a digital learning environment.

Robust and reliant infrastructure

You will require a robust and reliant infrastructure to withstand the broadband demands and high call volumes. It is also important to ensure that your front and back office systems are resilient too. By moving your telephony to the cloud, you can take advantage of technologies such as SIP which will reduce your telephony bill and provide a robust and reliable solution with the ability to add on technology and applications when required.

Expanding the lines of communication

In recent years due to Covid-19 and digital technology being ubiquitous universities have had to embark on a digital transformation journey. Students expect to use the same digital channels of communication that they use in their daily life and universities need to offer an omni-channel of communications in the contact centre to include social media such as Whatsapp, Twitter, Facebook and SMS. 

Modernising the contact centre

Modernise the contact centre with INBOX a digital automation solution that transforms enquiry management to support students and staff in the Clearing process. Cost-effectively automating processes such as Clearing, open day registrations, admissions processes using self-serve forms and webchat bots plus adding on social media channels. Enabling you to manage all your digital enquiries by automating, prioritising and pre-qualifying your digital interactions.

Remote and flexible working

Set up a remote contact centre to enable agents to work from home providing them with more flexibility to give you the ability to attract and retain top talent.

Simplifying communications

Universities and Colleges often have numerous systems so simplify processes by integrating front and back-office systems to have a single view of all digital interactions connecting disparaent and disjointed systems together. By integrating technology and systems together you can capture and utilise the data collected to make intelligent improvements, and become a data driven organisation.

Trusted by frameworks for education

Hear from one of our satisfied customers

Rachel Bence - CIO

Queen Mary University London

Digital transformation is key at the university. Britannic Technologies upgraded our Mitel MiContact Centre to integrate with our CRM solution and augmented it with software to automate, prioritise and pre-qualify digital interactions. This enabled us to handle enquiries more efficiently and provided the capability to capture and interrogate data.

University of Kent: Clearing

Kent gears up for Clearing in February with testing commencing in April. They take advantage of Britannic’s Clearing Readiness Service which provides extensive SIP load testing and failover testing in advance along with on-site support on the day, adding further reassurance. A wide number of contingencies were put in place to ensure smooth delivery but were not needed as all went according to plan.

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London Skyline and Buildings

Queen Mary University of London lead the way in enquiry handling during clearing

Mitel MiContact Centre enables home working and multiple digital channels

Surrey, 16th September – Queen Mary University of London led the way in enquiry handling during the frantically busy Clearing period using the Mitel MiContact Centre and INBOX solution from Britannic Technologies. Having the technology already in place Pre-COVID the university was prepared to handle the demands of lockdown and Clearing quickly and effectively.

View QMUL Press Release

Talk to our Education Sector Experts

We’d love to start discussing your plans today. Whether you want to improve student engagement, start implementing automation or talk about your university Clearing strategy for next year. Let’s share some ideas.

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