Net Promoter Score of 72

Britannic Technologies are delighted to announce that we have achieved a world class NPS (Net Promoter Score) of 72, putting us in the list of top customer-centric companies.
With the average NPS score in the telecoms industry being 24-30, our score of 72 supports our values as a company and reflects the focus we have on our customers and continual improvement.
As our annual Customer Satisfaction survey ends it is good to reflect on change and progress and the impact it has had on our customers. As a company our aim is to always put our customers at the heart of our business. We strive for excellence at every stage of our customers’ journey, understanding our customers’ wants and needs, and ensuring we communicate with them in a way that is best for them. We make sure to give personalised solutions to our customers and will go above and beyond to guarantee they get the expert advice they need at no extra cost.
Last year we introduced Britannic 2.0, a programme of cultural, process and technological change that puts the customer at the heart of everything we do across the entire organisation. While this is a long-term project it is already paying dividends. We’ve received comments that our people are fantastic. Another saying, “you’ve added value to the business, making life easier and more productive.” And another saying we have “a well-structured methodology for delivering projects on time and at an agreed cost”.
Thank you to our customers who responded. We look forward to working together over the next year.
Moving Forward
Our focus will always be centred around our customers, and we are happy that this has been translated in our NPS. Moving forward we hope to continue exceeding our customers’ expectations and ensuring that they get the best possible experience working with us.
Being led by our Sales and Marketing Director Jonathan Sharp who made Top 15 CX Professionals, we hope next year our NPS score will increase even further to reflect all the plans we have this year.