Making the Right Connections for Cloud
Over recent years we have seen a flux towards cloud infrastructure, and it shows no signs of slowing down. Migrating applications away from in-house datacentres to a mix of platforms, including private and public cloud services, provides organisations with a wealth of options for cost savings, managed services and ultimately flexibility for their IT.
Cloud infrastructure comes in many shapes and sizes, but in the majority (if not all) of cases it effectively means that people will be accessing information and applications remotely. The connectivity between the locations therefore should be of the highest quality and resiliency, but often this can be overlooked. A fantastic white paper from Zen Internet on Making the Right Connections highlights this issue brilliantly. Making the Right Connections - White Paper from Zen Internet.
There are a broad range of services and connections available, but not all of them are available everywhere and it is important for you as a business to understand not only the capabilities, but the limitations as well, as trying to force through too much data down a connection that simply can’t handle it will have a crippling effect on your business processes.
Its imperative to consider your network management too for obvious reasons. We operate a proactive network management system at Britannic Technologies which enables us to visualise your networks and we receive alerts when things are approaching dangerous levels which can enable us to avoid potential disasters for your network. This isn`t always the case with providers however and it is important that you understand what type of management you are getting.
Your service provider should fully understand your business and its needs and be able to offer a variety of offerings that match your requirements. Through thorough analysis and consultation you will be able to raise questions about latency and security and really drill down to the quality of service that you can expect to receive. An important factor to consider is the level of support your supplier can deliver and whether you can operate within these parameters - for instance we operate a 24/7 approach to our support and boast engineers around the country able to offer local assistance should it be required and we have a 93% success rate at fixing concerns remotely.
Cloud services are here to stay, and offer great benefits for business when all the factors are considered when you pick your supplier. Have a read of the research document - Making the Right Connections and have a look at our Cloud Services and let us know your thoughts on Cloud.