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The pace of life is fast and competition is tougher than ever and companies need to react and embrace these changes now, by modernising their workplace and digitally transforming or improving their organisation.

Innovate, Transform and Improve

The Fortune 500 CEO survey discovered that 73% of CEOs are concerned about the impact of start-ups disrupting the market and becoming a threat to their business. Start-ups are small, agile, creative and not hindered by traditional hierarchies, boundaries and processes.

Transformers such as Uber and Netflix disrupted the market with the new services they delivered, changing the way we get taxis and watch TV. It’s not just about the revolutionary idea, it’s about the execution which needs to be integrated into the business’s operations and processes to deliver a seamless and superior customer service in order to succeed.

Disruption is for businesses of all sizes; whether they are start-ups or well established. Companies need to recognise what their challenges are, solve the problems and harness new ideas to identify and create business opportunities through digital technology.

What’s the Problem?

It is about the identifying where the problems reside and solving them through process re-engineering and technology. A good digital transformation partner will assist by working closely with you to understand what your issues are, what your objectives are and what areas you want to improve.

Workplace Modernisation White Paper

Customer Experience

Customers and employees are the best advocates of your brand. Zendesk discovered that 90% of customers are influenced by positive reviews when buying a product. It’s time to understand and pre-empt your customers’ needs and requirements so you can provide a seamless and personalised  journey.

Integration is the Answer

Digital transformation is not possible without systems integration, there is no point deploying an innovative technology solution that doesn’t integrate into the front and back office. Research from Mulesoft identified that 59% of IT leaders said their legacy infrastructure makes it hard to introduce new technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), big data and the Internet of Things (IoT).

Digital is Taking Over

We have seen a growth in the number of companies that want to implement self-service and automated interaction handling to deliver cost-saving, improve efficiencies and customer service. This can only be achieved if the technology is integrated into the front and back office systems.

Getting Buy In

Digital transformation projects can be broken down into smaller and manageable sizes. You too can act like a start-up and accelerate to change for the better.

Technology is no longer focused on the technical sell. IT directors, CTOs, etc are leading with how technology can make a difference to the business. That could be improving internal and external communications, attracting and retaining staff or improving customer service, helping you to deliver the results you want.

Time to see Differently

As Heraclitus stated “The only constant in life is change” and the business world has never seen such change than in recent years. Companies must embrace that the workplace has changed and so have the traditional ways of working and doing business. The younger demographic work differently, they are used to communicating and collaborating digitally and expect these tools in the workplace. They want to work remotely, choose their hours and work in a transparent environment sharing knowledge and ideas.

It’s vital to set a vision, with objectives and a strategy, and share with everyone so they can see what needs to be achieved, how, and when.

Don’t be Scared to Fail

Employees need to be given the freedom to try out new ideas, whether that’s with technology or the way business is done. In order to disrupt and innovate you have to test ideas and if we don’t fail we don’t learn from our mistakes, therefore we don’t innovate, improve or transform.

It doesn’t matter where you are in the digital transformation journey you can set up technology innovation hubs giving you the ability to move at pace and create new ideas.

Small Steps Big Results

Digital transformation is an evolving journey full of constant change and improvements. Think big but at the same time take small steps and deconstruct them into smaller projects. Accelerating approvals and enabling you to manage them more appropriately and roll out them with more success.

Disrupt and Lead the Way

Disruption and innovation is for every business irrespective of your size, what you do and how long you have been established. It is not only the start-ups of this world that can change how they operate and shake up the market with new innovative products and services, you can too. 

Identify what problems you want to solve, study your processes and how you can improve or transform them with digital technology and empower employees with an innovation culture. Now, start disrupting!

Need more help with your strategy for disruption? – Download our Workplace Modernisation White Paper today!