Britannic Annual Summit Now Open For Registration!

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Man In Office smiling at computer screen

Business Process Automation

Contact Centres Email Management

Nintendo Switch Console

Contact Centre

Gamification in the Contact Centre: Stop the Common Motivation, Engagement and Productivity Killers

Changing roles

Contact Centre

The Changing Role of the Contact Centre Agent

Lone office worker

Contact Centre

The Contact Centre: from Physical Asset to Agile Function

WhatsApp Notifications

Business Process Automation

Delivering a Better Customer Experience with WhatsApp

Customer behaviour

Contact Centre

What the Contact Centre can learn from Customer Behaviour

On top of the world

Contact Centre

Why Mitel and Avaya Maintenance is the Key Stepping Stone to Fearless Business Growth

Resolving 3 Key Contact Centre Problem

Business Process Automation

Resolving 3 Key Contact Centre Problems with our Network Services 2 Framework Solutions

Unleashing Business Growth

Business Process Automation

Unleashing Business Growth with your Existing Mitel or Avaya Investment

Clock and coins

Business Process Automation

Time is Money: Automate your Critical Business Processes (you’ll regret it if you don’t)


Workplace Modernisation

You’re Gonna Need a Bigger Voice: Here’s why lack of Voice Strategy for Digital Transformation will Tear your Company to Shreds

Mobile phone

Workplace Modernisation

How Contact Centres are using Voice, Video and Cobrowse to Elevate Online Customer Experience