This event has taken place, you can watch the highlights here and contact us to book your place for 2023.
We've kept the original content of the event below so you can see what you've missed!
Changing the Landscape
Churchill stated “To improve is to change – to be perfect is to change often”
Over the last few years we have realised that to survive we need to adapt and evolve to our ever changing world. We were given the time to look at our business from a different and new perspective re-imagining how we can make a difference.
Imagine if you were able to grow and scale your business, rather than your cost base?
What if you could redesign your customer experience to increase satisfaction?
Would you like your employees spending less time on data entry and administration and more time dealing with high priority customers?
Could your business have a better unified communications strategy or technology implementation to further the 'work from anywhere' culture?
Do your customers complain about long response times?
Do your employees complain about lack of data and insights?

Convergence Summit 2022 will be held in the Churchill War Rooms, the underground nerve centre that allowed Britain’s leaders to plot their route to victory. Where communications were crucial, security vital, and lateral thinking was very much in demand. Today’s business leaders require the same skills that Churchill possessed for his victory.
Together with our strategic partners we will explore how things can be done differently to achieve results. Churchill was a world-famous leader that we can all learn from. His vision and speeches inspired and motivated the nation from their darkest hours during the war promising them victory. He was not scared to take risks, make decisions, innovate and evolve.
Churchill “I never worry about action but only about inaction”
It is time to re-imagine how you do business.
Why should you attend our Convergence Summit?
Whether in the public or private sector, delegates attend our annual event because it's a brilliant way to gain knowledge, strategy and advice from experts in the field of:
- IT and Operations
- Customer Service and Experience
- Employee Satisfaction and Retention
- Data and Systems Management
- Digital Transformation and Workplace Modernisation
- Business Telephony and Communications
- Cloud Platforms and Technology
- Networks, WAN, LAN and IoT
Hybrid working is here to stay. Understand how you can make your employee and customer experience more streamlined and effective. Making tangible business improvements to the way people work and building an environment that is more efficient for all.
Change is constant. We will help you to review effective change management to achieve core KPIs like increased efficiency and reduced costs. Rethinking processes is a catalyst for a culture of change where people and technology work in harmony, achieving faster deadlines than you ever thought possible.
Technology is ever-evolving and becoming smarter with open APIs enabling easier integration of systems and pass through of information. Virtual assistants, AI, smart SIP environments and CRMs coupled with telephony technology and cloud applications improve customer engagement. Combine this with self-service and process automation to complete things faster.
The life blood of most businesses, becoming data-first is a key aspect of accelerating change. We look at how you can make the most of your data, using it to monitor and manage hybrid working and to create actionable insights and measure their impact.
Thomas John - Why the Cloud and Why Now in the Contact Centre Software World?
Thomas John, VP Partner Sales at Five9, International, provides a snapshot of the Contact Centre software market and the current exodus from legacy on-prem solutions to the cloud. AI, gamification and automation all take centre stage driven by hybrid working, call centre agents requirements, unprecedented change in customer expectations, industry and the macro-economic environment. Expect a highly engaging and energetic pitch from one of the UK’s most well-respected thought and digital transformation leaders.
Keith Jackson - The Cost of Doing Nothing: Can You Afford to Stick with Dated Communications Tools?
Amidst global economic turbulence, the cost of sticking with dated, inflexible communications tools is becoming clear.
Don’t wait to find out your cost of doing nothing. Learn how IT heroes have unlocked agility, value, and competitive advantage by moving to a modern cloud communications platform for every employee and customer experience.
Plus, leave with your own action plan to bring CX and EX together and be the technology hero.
Nick Riggott - The Drive to Modernise
Access to a modern communications infrastructure, or lack thereof, can make or break your business operations. As ways of working continue to evolve, streamlining communications across locations, unifying your communications is imperative.
Mitel provides customers with the choice of deployment model and flexibility to decide what works best for you. We deliver innovation in partnership with Britannic, tailoring applications and integrations to suit your business.
Why choose Mitel? With the right solution and partner, you and your employees can have it all.
Alex Nicoll - Using ‘system Thinking’ to Design Problem-based Solutions to Create Both Improved and Superior Customer Outcomes
The role of businesses is simple, its job is to create a customer and to make a profit, whilst turning the dial on behalf of the customer by unlocking them greater value. Once a customer is created, then systems are created, some that are ‘in your control’ and some that are ‘out of your control’. All of which are needed to underpin the products and services we offer and deliver today. These systems evolve continuously, as they are influenced and surrounded by the environment and ecosystem they work within. So to create the best solutions, we need to look at and understand the systems and these data to design more effective solutions.
Jonathan Sharp - The Changing Face of Britannic, Delivering Innovation, Value and Customer Success
Today’s business moves quickly. Customer and employee expectations, demands, methods of communication and technology continue to evolve at pace. Jonathan will share an update into Britannic’s continued evolution, approach, offerings and thinking, whilst remaining at the forefront of innovation. He will demonstrate the tangible value Britannic delivers to market and the role it plays in successfully orchestrating next generation solutions, to underpin successful change and outcomes for customers in this highly connected and fast-moving world.
Ross Simpson - What’s the Value in the Data We Aren’t Looking At?
Most companies have well established KPI’s – familiar data which offers comfort, allowing decisions to be made with confidence. This presentation looks beyond those KPI’s and focuses on how frequently business’ review and renew their data focus, and the role that plays in effective technological development and innovation. Adopting a new platform that looks good, which may deliver a possible gain, is a significantly different proposition to really understanding the shifting and often hidden challenges a business faces, requiring a more pro-active approach.
Rich Crossingham - Intelligent Mobile Data - 5G and IoT
IoT has helped increase mobile data usage 30% year on year and shows no signs of slowing. Key to a successful IoT delivery is intelligent mobile data – encompassing the right type of connectivity, data plan, networks, rules and reporting. With these things we will show you how to deliver successful IoT solutions into any vertical and solve problems you may not have considered IoT for before, such as unshackling end points from traditional fixed connections like ADSL. Alongside this we will take a look at 5G and what it can offer you right now.
Andrew Nash - Netx2 Adding Intelligence to Voice Communications
Advancements in telecoms have led to a multitude of different innovations from various vendors which can make for a very complex supply chain leading to confused decision points and sometimes unfulfilled promises. Britannic’s netX2 solution is much more than a vehicle to deliver Voice communications over its carrier grade SIP Platform. Learn how it removes complexity and adds value with native solutions such as Dynamic Call Routing, Dynamic Call Limiting, SMS, Fax, Direct Routing to Teams and AI.
Ed Creasey - Top strategies for contact centre CX for 2023
How the industry treats its customers, what changes need to be made to improve CX and how empathy is an influencing factor for success.
Gillan Ide - Going Beyond Onboarding: How Britannic Help You to Deliver Real Change
Our Customer Success process gives you the opportunity to truly know your data and deliver key, measurable outcomes. Hear how we deliver measurable improvement in customer (and agent) experience and data flow design. Using AI and rules-based orchestration platforms to remove transactional processes, you are able to concentrate on adding Human Value. So far this year we have saved our customers over 30,000 hours of transactional activity.
Receive priority access to a Digital Drop In session to kickstart your journey (know what you don’t know)!
- 09.00-09.45 Breakfast, Register, Network
- 10.00 - 10.10 Welcome - Jonathan Sharp, Sales and Marketing Director, Britannic
- 10.10 - 10.35 Why the Cloud and Why Now in the Contact Centre Software World? - Thomas John, VP Partner Sales, International, Five9
- 10.35 - 11:00 The Cost of Doing Nothing: Can you Afford to Stick with Dated Communications Tools? - Keith Jackson, Regional VP International Channels, 8x8
- 11.00 - 11.35 Coffee and Networking
- 11.35 - 12.00 THE DRIVE to Modernise - Nick Riggott, Country Sales Director, Mitel
- 12.00 - 12:25 Using ‘System Thinking’ to Design Problem-based Solutions to Create Both Improved and Superior Customer Outcomes - Alex Nicoll, Managing Director, Bizvu
- 12:25 - 12.55 The Changing Face of Britannic, Delivering Innovation, Value and Customer Success - Jonathan Sharp, Sales and Marketing Director, Britannic
- 13.00 - 13.45 Lunch and Networking - Enjoy some great bowl food and network with partners
- 13:50 - 14.30 What’s the Value in the Data we Aren’t Looking at? - Ross Simpson, Director of Technology Development, Trailfinders
- 14.40 - 15.20 Accelerate Breakouts - Intelligent Mobile Data – 5G & IoT - Rich Crossingham, Business Development Director, Pangea - netX2 – Adding Intelligence to Voice Communications - Andrew Nash, Head of Operations, Britannic
- 15.20 - 15.30 Quick Tea Break
- 15.30 - 16.10 Accelerate Breakouts - Top Strategies for Contact Centre CX for 2023 - Ed Creasey, Director Presales, Calabrio - Going Beyond Onboarding: How Britannic Helps You to Deliver Real Change - Gillan Ide, Digital Solutions Consultant, Britannic
- 16.20 - 17.30 Churchill War Rooms - Self-guided audio tour around the fascinating Churchill War Rooms and museum.
- 16.30 - 17.30 Networking Drinks - Time to relax and network with the team.