Introducing Britannic Branded Calls and Messages!

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Join Britannic and Jonathan Sharp at CCC Expo 2022

At Contact Centre Expo at stand CC-F40 Britannic will be demonstrating how they have integrated Google AI into their SIP platform to provide a seamless flow through into contact centre platforms such as Five9 cloud contact centre. You will be able to see the technology in action and talk to experts about the art of the possible.

Fancy a demo?
Jonathan Sharp of Britannic Delivering Presentation

Featured Talk with Jonathan Sharp: Customer interaction and fulfilment has changed, don’t get left behind!

23rd of November in the Customer Satisfaction Lab from 14.00 to 14.30.

It is often said that change is the only constant. Organisations are under immense pressure with rising costs and labour shortages, flexible working is no longer the privilege of the few (creating highly distributed organisations), customers expect more (convenience, speed, choice and access) and digital communication and transformation continues to increase at a tremendous pace!

  • How can you make sense of it all?
  • What technology is available to underpin change successfully?
  • How can you get started?
  • The importance of innovation, collaboration and partnership to thrive?

Call and Contact Centre 2022 Location

ExCeL London, Royal Victoria Dock, 1 Western Gateway, London E16 1XL

Get Directions

Let's have a chat.

Elevate your customer & agent experience. Flexible cloud solutions from Bizvu, Mitel, 8x8 & Five9 for MS Teams help accelerate your business and contain costs. With workflows, AI, inbox automation & bots, Google CX & Alexa integrated with leading contact centre tech. Chat to our friendly experts.

Come visit us at stand CC-F40

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