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Saving Costs and Adding Flexibility

Lesley Roe, Data Protection Officer for The IET championed the DTMF (Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency Signalling) portal for a while. However, when the offices in Hertfordshire were being renovated and contact centre agents were going to work from home, she knew it was an opportunity for The IET to move to a new solution.

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Hours saved a month

Level 1

PCI DDS compliant to level 1


Agents can take payments from anywhere

About the project

The IET has over 168,000 engineering and technology professionals in 150 countries providing access to support careers in engineering. They employ 580 staff with over 4,500 volunteers across the world with its Head Office in Hertfordshire and venues and offices in London, Birmingham, China, Hong Kong, India and the USA.

They were aware that the previous PDQ system they had operated to take payments over the phone was not an efficient or practical process for agents. So, as their technology partner we assisted them to move to SIP telephony and a cloud-based PCI compliance solution.

After migrating to SIP telephony, The IET discovered it was easier to manage, will save costs on their telephony and provide them with the flexibility to add on new technology and applications when required.

PCI Compliance in the Cloud

The SIP infrastructure enabled The IET to easily add on a PCI compliance cloud solution that means contact centre agents can remain connected to the customer (their members) whilst entering payment details securely.

When taking payments over the phone via DTMF masking, the unique audible tones cannot be guessed to match the credit card number, therefore keeping the number secure by ensuring it is not exposed. As a result, there are no credit card numbers kept on the network. The solution also enables call recording right across The IET, which they use for training agents.

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Support Throughout the Project

Lesley Roe, Data Protection Officer

The Institution of Engineering and Technology

Britannic Technologies have been very supportive throughout the project. From guiding us through what we required to designing and deploying the solution and then providing excellent ongoing support throughout.

Increased Efficiencies with 30 Hours Saved a Month

The IET has enabled agents to take payments from anywhere and saved 30 hours a month with the new DTMF portal. The old PDQ system was difficult to manage and transactions were time consuming and cumbersome.

PCI DSS Compliant to Level 1

The IET are now fully PCI compliant to level 1 and can facilitate all payments from anywhere in a secure environment. Using DTMF masking to ensure no card details are exposed to risk or stored on the network.

Reliable and Flexible SIP Portal with NETX2

Our NETX2 SIP portal means The IET have the flexibility to easily manage their telecommunications providing a comprehensive report of all inbound and outbound voice communications, helping to save costs. Also providing them with a robust network that is ready to add on new technology when required.

PCI Compliant Payments Anywhere in the World

The IET contact centre consists of 40 agents and the payments taken are separated into different areas such as membership, publications and events. Our NETX2 SIP solution enabled them to easily add on the cloud-based PI compliance solution. Now all agents can take payments for the different areas wherever they are in the world in a secure manner meeting the PCI DSS regulations.

Talk to us about PCI compliance

Shift to a Modern PCI DSS Solution

Get in touch with us to book an advisory call today with a member of the team.

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